“The greatest mistake physicians make is that they attempt to cure the body without attempting to cure the mind; yet the mind and the body are one and should not be treated separately!”
Today’s weekend challenge is slightly more difficult than the last, but still entirely doable.
Between now and Monday morning, I want you to read a whole book (cover to cover) and do one hundred push-ups each day.
This may sound hard, but it’s not that bad. Trust me, I’ve been doing it almost every weekend for the past year.
If you’re interested in taking up this challenge I recommend checking out One Hundred Push ups, for advice on the physical aspects of this goal.
I also recommend the following books (all of which I’ve read in the span of a mere 48 hours): Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder, The Book of Five Rings, How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere, and Good Omens.
And, for those of you who believe that this post is just an elaborate ploy for me to make thirty cents off Amazon Affiliates, may I suggest visiting your local library?
And yes, I am aware that not everyone is a skilled reader or in great shape. As such, I’m going to warn you that there is a pretty high chance of failing this challenge.
In fact, there is a guaranteed one hundred percent chance that nearly every one of you will fail.
How so?
Because you’ll never even attempt the task at hand.
P.S. I’ll be reading Chess Story.