“I’m supposed to be the franchise player, and we in here talking about practice.”
– Alan Iverson
Contrary to what Tim Ferriss or some dude selling a five minute ab program might preach, there are no shortcuts to success. If you want something, you’re going to have to put in the work required to achieve it. Anything that’s only worth five minutes of your time isn’t something you truly desire.
Fortunately, working towards a goal takes very little actual time. I spend 90 minutes a day practicing my Spanish, the exact same length as the standard action movie. Working out only takes about an hour or so every day, the same amount of time that it takes to sit through most television programs.
By the end of the year, I should have completed roughly 365 hours of lifting, programing, learning Spanish, reading, and writing. Assuming I don’t get hit by a car, I should live at least another 50 years. If I continue to pursue by interests, I’ll have over 18,000 hours worth of expertise by the time I die.
Although you’re going to live a long time, your death will be permanent. Once you’re gone there is no ‘reset’ button. It’s over. Find a purpose, set a goal, and make use of what time you still have.