“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
– George Carlin
Mainstream advice is meant to keep you unhappy
We’re nearing the New Year and you know what that means. Diet books, fitness equipment, dating coaches, and a hundred other products to help people meet their resolutions.
Having a goal is wonderful, but be careful as to where you get your advice.
Here are a few pointers as to why you might want to reconsider that mainstream advice that the media is quick to dish out:
Scientists are paid shills
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is a research organization that, according to their site, is the “world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals.”
Yet somehow Americans just keep getting fatter.
I’m a college dropout who knows very little about nutrition, yet I’m still in better shape than 80% of the population. My “diet” basically consists of not eating junk food.
Surly the world’s greatest dietary center could come up with a similar plan.
Unless, of course, they’re underfunded.
To make sure that the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics wasn’t broke I went to their website and did a quick search for “sponsors.”
Pepsi, Coca-Cola, and Kellogg’s are all the main sources of funding.
This would be like having the match and gasoline company sponsor your local fire department.
Of course there’s going to be a conflict of interest and data is going to be manipulated or omitted. If you come up with the wrong answers you’re out of a job.
This isn’t just limited to nutrition though. Almost every scientific field is under the influence of someone else. I’ve seen magazines that are owned by publishing companies put out articles about the dangers of small press. And fitness sites that bashed certain workouts because they didn’t require any expensive supplements.
Media is made for dullards
In the 1980’s mainstream news sources ran all kinds of specials on the dangers of Satan worship, the evils of Dungeons & Dragons, and mind warping attributes of heavy metal music.
When I was a kid there were a bunch of specials about how bad video games were. If you goofed off in Grand Theft Auto you were sure to murder people in real life.
Most news programs are made for old people and folks who are really stupid. If you don’t believe me go look up a broadcast involving something that you’re passionate about. The amount of information that the program gets wrong will astound you.
Rapid edits, soundbites, and other trickery can make anyone look like the bad guy. In 1944 Joseph Stalin was America’s friend. In 1946 he was the worst dictator on Earth.
Television is designed to tell you what your ideas should be. Put on your thinking cap and formulate your own opinion. It can save you a lot of pain.
Happy people don’t buy as much
Whenever I’m depressed I go on shopping sprees. When I’m happy I’ll get a book from the library, feed some ducks, and take a walk in the park.
Which is better for business?
If I’m feeding ducks and frolicking around how will Zoloft, Xanax, Viagra, and Orlistat make any money?
There’s a lot of money to be made when you invest in misery. Take this pill, you’re too fat. Buy this shirt, girls will like it. Now that you’re skinny and stylish take this other pill it counteracts the erectile dysfunction caused by the first drug.
When you’re at peace with yourself there’s nothing to buy.
My gym membership, food, and rent are pretty much all I spend money on. And I couldn’t be happier.
By mainstream standards this would probably make me a loser, but who cares?
Go on a quest for self discovery. Do your own thinking and find what brings you joy. It’s more beneficial than following the crowd and chasing after the latest trend.