“Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.”
– J.M. Barrie
There’s nothing wrong with not working. As long as you enjoy eating Ramen Noodles and living at home forever, you might as well remain unemployed. Sadly, I don’t eat carbohydrates and I don’t get along with my parents. As such, I need a job.
Every place I’ve ever worked has been seasonal, and I’ll have steady employment once springtime rolls around. In the meanwhile, I’ve been working on numerous side hustles. Unfortunately, every one of these ventures has failed. Either they’ve been too complex, or too time consuming to turn a profit. Spending two months on a project that earns $40, is not a good business model.
Despite my lack of earnings, none of my attempts at making money were ever a waste of time. They simply taught me that I sucked at being a capitalist and needed to rethink my strategy. After some serious research (i.e. lurking on forums and watching YouTube videos about entrepreneurship), I’ve retooled my business model.
From now on, I am going to be… a lot lazier with my ventures. I don’t need to concocted some grandiose scheme for earning, I just need to start with the basics: “buy low, sell high.” There are tons of pawn stores, thrift shops, used bookstores, and cheap Craigslist deals in my area. I’m going to start taking advantage of all these. My new plan is to purchase anything that’s both inexpensive and looks remotely resellable, and start retailing it on both eBay and Amazon.
Hopefully my plan works, otherwise it looks like I’ll be acquiring a taste for Ramen.