“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.”
– Marc Riboud
I thought photography would be easy. All I had to do was see something interesting and take a picture of it. By bringing my camera with me while I walked around town I was guaranteed to get a great photograph.
I anticipated seeing a grandiose event for me to immortalize on film. Maybe a woman would be giving birth in the cemetery. Perhaps a black firefighter was saving a family of white supremacists from a burning building. A homeless man was probably sitting somewhere, eating lunch with a banking official while they both talked about their children. At the very least some girl would most likely see my camera and say “take a picture of this,” before flashing me.
All I had to do was seek out these events and capture them. How hard could that be?
After over an hour of searching for that magical event to eternally persevere on film, I ended up with this:
Pretty anticlimactic, huh?