“Now let’s get medicated.”
– Wiz Khalifa, Medicated
Everyone is on drugs. Not the fun ones, like coke or molly. Not the inspirational ones either, no LSD and no DMT. They’re on the lame ones. The pills that get you through the day. Make your life bearable enough that you don’t wind up hanging from the rafters. That would be a disappointment, eHow articles are a pain to follow. You’re poor knotsmanship keeps you alive. Someone would find you. Then it’s back to the doctor’s office to get your dosage upped.
At work there was a discussion about what medications everyone is on. As it turns out, I’m one of the only people not taking some form of prescription anti-depressant or behavior modifier. I’m not really too concerned about adults choosing to live in a state of permanent high. However, I was shocked to learn that most of their children are on similar prescriptions.
There was a lively conversation about how various substances were affecting some of the kids sleep patterns, appetites, and attention spans. At this point I was sure that one sane adult would say, “stop feeding your children narcotics.” This never occurred. Instead someone chimed in “get a prescription for [whatever], it’ll solve that too.” I couldn’t believe it.
These kids were all in grade school. Their mental afflictions, acting child like. Punching others on the playground. Not paying attention in class. Being loud and obnoxious. Arguing. Everything they suffered from could have been cured with a family discussion and stern lecture. Instead they’ve been lobotomized by mass-produced chemical concoctions, depriving them of a human experience.
When it comes to solving problems there are two paths. The easy route and the hard one. In theory they both lead to the same destination. At the end of the day sedated children and well disciplined children will both stay out of trouble. Only one will do so through free will, while the other does so because his mind has been medically suppressed.
I’d rather be miserable in my own mind than complacently living in a drug induced fantasy.