“No one is really going to help you or give you direction. In fact, the odds are against you.”
– Robert Greene, Mastery
How dedicated are you?
My Internet died before I could write this post.
I was planning on sending out an apology Tweet and taking the day off.
But I couldn’t bear to sell myself short.
Instead I got out a pad of paper and started to write these very words.
After I jotted everything out I got up and walked to the nearest coffee shop to, for lack of a better term, “begin my shift” creating new content for you.
I’ll be working here all afternoon.
Life happens.
You get sick, the car starts making funny noises, power grids fail, the list of disasters is endless.
When events like these happen you have two options.
You can give up, or you can trudge on towards your ultimate goal.
Which will you do?