“Weren’t you really dreaming of a full-color paperback edition of cartoons about people wondering whether it’s possible to pee in somebody’s butt?”
– English Teacher X
As a fan of cartoons, crude humor, and travel; I was ecstatic to discover Complete Collected Comics by English Teacher X.
I went into the book with the expectation of being simultaneously disgusted and amused. I was not disappointed. Shoe fetishists, bizarre co-workers, Thanksgiving themed pornography, and “gonorrhea of the eyes;” make this book a hilariously entertaining read. There’s even a great joke involvingĀ cuisenaire rods and unwanted sexual advances.
Aside from being funny, Complete Collected Comics is also a fascinating read. Spanning over a decade’s worth of material the book chronicles the evolution of X’s cartooning and provides some interesting backstory into his teaching and blogging career:
“I started my own website in 2003. I had a Pentium 1 desktop computer that a student had given me, and most of the original website poured out of me in great violent vomitous red-and-black spurts of unedited typing and hastily-cut together cartoons, between 2003 and 2005.”
If you’re a fan of X’s other work and want some additional laughs, I highly recommend Complete Collected Comics.