“If you can program you will never go hungry.”
– Unknown
Until I hit puberty, and discovered girls, I wanted to grow up and make video games. While I wasn’t great at programming, I was pretty good with all-around computer skills. By age eleven I had built my own computer and was the go-to guy when neighbors and family members had issues with their PCs. Around the time I was thirteen or so my interest in computers began to wane and I took up new hobbies instead.
Recently, I began playing the ultra hardcore Dwarf Fortress. For some reason, maybe it was the graphics, the game inspired me to start programing again. Originally I was going to learn programing on the side and not post about it here, because writing about coding computers presented an additional challenge: making highly complex information both easy to understand, and entertaining to read about.
Fortunately, I’ve come up with a way to make this challenge both interesting and informative. If you’ve ever been interested in: programing, SEO, hacking, online security, and video games; you’ll want to stay tuned…