“Ask me no questions, and I’ll tell you no lies.”
– Oliver Goldsmith
Last month I did a brief interview on Reddit to promote Amazon For A Penny. During that time I was shocked by how many people had basic questions about simple things like blogging, affiliate marketing, and getting traffic. At the time I was a little shocked. There are hundreds of blogs, books, and articles about online business and writing.
During last month’s challenge I ended up wading through the vast sewer that is internet marketing and realized why so many people have problems with learning about how to start a web business. Most of the resources out there are either horrible, or overly complex. While I do think that internet marketers do have some redeeming qualities, the majority of them fall victim to the same fate that pick up artists and fitness gurus succumb to. They get so caught up in having to constantly come up with new material that has a unique twist, that they lose sight of the basics. “How to make $400 a day selling used tube socks” draws readers but it isn’t very practical.
Because of this, I’ve decided to dedicate the whole month to explaining some of the fundamentals for freelancing, affiliate marketing, getting readership, and avoiding distractions. Over the course of the next thirty days you are going to see posts such as:
- Why everyone should open a blog.
- How to get reduce your tax burden.
- The importance of having a second stream of income.
- How you can actually make money online.
- Can you make money online while still having a normal job.
- Things that people who read this site have created.
- What kinds of hustles pay the most.
- And plenty more.
I think that the upcoming month is going to be fun. While the information mighty not be as secretive as those “One weird trick” posts that draw in huge crowds, it is infinity more practical.