“Who ever heard of a rich human resources manager?”
– Felix Dennis, How To Get Rich
My job isn’t hard, I get along with all my coworkers, and my boss is nice. Despite all these things I still hate going to work.
Sans my stint as a Christmas tree vendor, every job I’ve ever done has sucked.
When I was in school working for someone else didn’t seem so bad. I was part time. Even my worst days weren’t terrible, I always had “something better ahead of me.” Once I graduated there would be some lucrative job waiting. Other people hated their jobs because they were lazy, I’d love wherever I was hired.
Since entering the full time working world, I’ve realized why middle aged alcoholics exist. Why guys would rather blow out their brains than live to see another day. The revelation that you’ll be wasting decades of your life for a paycheck is horrifying.
You go to a job for five days straight, they give you two days to recuperate. Then it’s back to grind. If you’re lucky, they’ll give you a gold watch in exchange for 30 years of your life.
Once you’re done with school there is no next level to advance to. It’s just a repetitive slog until you die. Realizing this is a great motivator. I’d rather work hard and carve my own path than meekly submit to a lifetime of servitude.