My name is Robert Koch.
When I first started this blog, the original “About Page” began with the following lines:
“I’m 19 and don’t know what to do with my life.”
Since then, things have changed quite a bit. I’m now 23, and everything’s great. But a big part of this had to do with the groundwork my teenage self managed to lay.
At the time, I had no idea what I wanted. So I found a very simple solution. Every 30 days, I go out and try something completely new. One month might be spent learning to program on Codecademy. Another, learning Spanish.
No matter what activity it was, the main goal was just to broaden my worldview.
And it worked!
Since then, I’ve lived all over the globe (Asia, South America, the Caribbean), started several businesses, and had tons of fun in the process.
(Taken While Visiting Historical Ruins In Cambodia)
And while I don’t write as much on here as I used to (or do as many 30 challenges as when I was a kid), I still try to post something interesting at least once per month.
Anyway, feel free to look around the site. And I hope you enjoy the articles!
– Robert